One-Time Maintenance Services
Tune-Ups & Seasonal Spa Service
Spa Opening
- Remove anti-freeze from the lines
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30-minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
Hot Tub Tune-Up
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30 minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
Tune-Up W/ ClearRay®️ Bulb Replacement
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
- Replace the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb* Reset ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb timer for 365 days*
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30 minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
Spa Closing with 7x7 Cover Cap
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Add antifreeze to the plumbing
- Cover hot tub with a cover cap
Spa Closing with 8x8 Cover Cap
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Add antifreeze to the plumbing
- Cover hot tub with a cover cap
Spa Closing without Cover Cap
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Add antifreeze to the plumbing.
Multi-Point Inspection for Hot Tubs
Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
All Season Pools
All Season Pool / Swim Spa Tune Up
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater
and water purification systems for functionality - Drain the all season pool and vacuum out any debris
- Clean surface of the acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean & recondition the cover
- Replace filter(s)
- If a water truck is present at the time of service, fill and balance the
water - The maximum time onsite is 3 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30-minute increments at $199/hr
All Season Pool / Swim Spa Closing
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater
and water purification systems for functionality - Drain the all season pool
- Vacuum debris from the pool
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Add antifreeze to the plumbing
- The maximum time onsite is 3 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30-minute increments at $199/hr
All Season Pool / Swim Spa Opening
- Remove anti-freeze from the lines
- Vacuum debris from the pool
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- The maximum time onsite is 3 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30-minute increments at $199/hr
CLEARRAY®️ UV-C Water Management System
ClearRay®️ Bulb Replacement
- Replace the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb*
- Reset ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb timer for 365 days*
ClearRay®️ Aftermarket Install for Sundance Brand Spas
- Install ClearRay®️ UV-C water management system on a Sundance brand hot tub
ClearRay®️ Install Kit, Non-Sundance Brand Spas
- Install ClearRay®️ UV-C water management system
ClearRay®️ Install & Tune Up
(Spas Manufactured Before 2011)
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Install ClearRay®️ UV-C water management system
- Fill and balance the water
Non-Sundance Brand Spa ClearRay®️ Install WITH Tune Up
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Install ClearRay®️ UV-C water management system
- Fill and balance the water
ClearRay®️: How it Works
Essential Kits
Essentials Kits - 680™ Series
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
- Replace the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb*
- Reset the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb timer for 365 days*
- Replace the pillows*
- Change the filter(s)*
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30 minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
Essentials Kits - 780™ Series
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub
- Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
- Replace the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb*
- Reset the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb timer for 365 days*
- Replace the pillows*
- Change the filter(s)*
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30 minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
Essentials Kits - 880™ Series
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functional
- Drain the hot tub Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & step
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
- Replace the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb*
- Reset the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb timer for 365 days*
- Replace the pillows* Change the filter(s)*
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30 minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
Essentials Kits - 980™ Series
- Inspect the topside control, pumps (jets & waterfalls), spa pack, heater and water purification systems for functionality
- Drain the hot tub Vacuum debris from the hot tub
- Clean the surface of acrylic, cabinet & steps
- Clean and recondition the cover
- Fill and balance the water
- Replace the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb*
- Reset the ClearRay®️ UV-C bulb timer for 365 days*
- Replace the pillows*
- Change the filter(s)*
The maximum time onsite is 2 hours. Extra time required due to the condition of the spa is billed in 30 minute increments at $199/hr ($99.50/30min)
SmartTub™ Monitoring Aftermarket Install
With a tap of your screen, your SmartTub™ System will be connected to your spa in seconds. The SmartTub™ System is a quick reference guide, providing tips, videos, and information based on how you use your spa.
(Only compatible on Sundance® brand spas 2019 and newer)